The Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program (ETSAP) is an Implementing Agreement of the International Energy Agency (IEA),
first established in 1976. It functions as a consortium of member
country teams and invited teams that actively cooperate to establish,
maintain, and expand a consistent multi-country
energy/economy/environment/engineering (4E) analytical capability. Its
backbone consists of individual national teams in nearly 70 countries,
and a common, comparable and combinable methodology, mainly based on
the MARKAL/TIMES family of models, permitting the compilation of long
term energy scenarios and in-depth national, multi-country, and global
energy and environmental analyses.
By statute, ETSAP meets twice a year to exchange
experiences, discuss ways to improve the tools and manage the common
activities. Local experts are invited to these meetings so that they
are exposed to the paradigm and can interact with the ETSAP
participants from their country. These meetings are also held in
non-Annex I countries and they often lead to collaborative model
building projects with local and third party funds.
For more information on the International Energy Agency, please contact:
Dr. GianCarlo Tosato
Project Head and Operating Agent
Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program
144, Via Colli Farnesina
00194, Roma, Italy